VAWC rules

The airplanes

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The airplanes

The categories in VAWC is defined in such way that it allows as many of these old fine machines to compete… still keeping focus on the vintage “soul” and time era. Categories:

1. Vintage category Airplanes with type certificate (or alike) before 1955 and a least 69 years old.
2. Classic category Airplanes with type certificate (or alike) before 1975 and after 1955, and a least 49 years old.
3. Replica category Replicas of Vintage or Classic airplanes. E.g. re-engined / modified vintage- and classic airplanes. Or plans build “remanufactured” airplanes. Either from professional hands or your own.

Borderline cases will be accepted or denied by the steering group of VAWC.

Power balancing

In order not to kill the winning potential of the original vintage and classic planes, we have decided to balance the typical power-advantage of the replicas. Keeping it simple we leave out propellers etc. and stick to horsepower ratio compared to the original. Actual % power increase compared to the “vintage original” (definition below) will be compensated by reducing the total scores according to below range:

  • Below 10% power increase => 0% score reduction in scores
  • 10-30% power increase  => 5% score reduction in scores
  • 0-50% power increase => 10% score reduction in scores
  • More than 50% power increase => 15% score reduction in scores

The definition of “The Vintage Original” is as follows: A factory build version of the type build and certified before 1955.

Note: “The Performance” flight is not subject to this Power Balancing

Vintage Balancing Bonus

Since the Vintage Airplanes are competing with as well radically more modern Classic airplanes as effective replicas, we have decided to balance the fairness. We all know that the pilot needs to take more care of the vintage airframe, structure and engines to keep them flying safely into the future… and this may limit the way you fly your program. From VAWC 2020 and will add 10% bonus to the scoring total of the “program flights” to the pilots flying a vintage airplane.

Note: The Vintage Balancing Bonus is not active for The Performance / The Performance Team